Homeless and rough sleeping support from Phoenix Futures


Within our service we have two workers that focus solely on supporting people using drugs/alcohol and are sleeping rough/homeless in Derbyshire; this includes people ‘sofa surfing’.

Our North worker covers High Peak, North Derbyshire Dales, North East Bolsover District and Chesterfield and our South worker covers South Derbyshire Dales, Amber Valley, Erewash and South Derbyshire. (Excludes Derby City as that is a different local authority to the county of Derbyshire)

Their role is to assertively outreach people that are sleeping rough within the county and work with them to access treatment and recovery support for their presenting drug and/or alcohol use. This will involve the worker completing an assessment to help identify their needs, assessing priorities and arranging follow on appointments for treatment. This bespoke support will also involve liaison with other agencies which may include healthcare, housing, social care and probation. The homeless and rough sleeper workers will support individuals to access, attend and engage in treatment and can support with contingency management including food parcels, hygiene care and rough sleeping equipment such as tents and sleeping bags. These workers will also facilitate in the community some of the provisions offered within our service that may be difficult for people rough sleeping to engage with, such as needle exchange programme, Naloxone and our physical health improvement team.

If you know someone using drugs and/or alcohol that would benefit from working with one of our Homeless and Rough Sleeper workers, please contact our single point of access hub on 01246 206514 / info@derbyshirerecoverypartnership.co.uk to refer. If you come across someone that is homeless/sleeping rough, please contact us on this phone number/email and provide as much detail as you can, such as their name, contact number and location so we can try and assertively outreach them.

If you’re a professional and are working with someone in need of support this winter, please visit Winter pressures - pathway for professionals - Derbyshire County Council where you can find the winter pressures referral form to request support including help getting food, social isolation, eviction and homelessness health improvement services and much more.

Additional support available:

Stronger Together is Derbyshire’s first ever Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy focused on tackling homelessness, a multi-agency collaborative approach and recognising that we are stronger together. Derbyshire Homelessness Strategy 11741_WEB_A.pdf

If you spot a rough-sleeper in your local area or have concerns about people sleeping rough or using the streets, contact StreetLink - Connecting people sleeping rough to local services

Night shelters and winter shelters: Night shelters and winter shelters are places to sleep for people who would be on the streets and are run by charities or churches in some areas, usually opening open between November and March. You do not have to pay anything to stay in most of these shelters. You will need to arrive by a set time in the evening and leave in the morning. You usually have to share the sleeping area with other people. Some shelters may offer showers and hot meals.

During the winter we want everyone to find a welcoming and warm space within their local community – find your local Warm and Welcome Space on this map - Warm Welcome Campaign

Click here for information about Keep warm in winter - Derbyshire County Council

Homeless Link are a national charity for organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England with a comprehensive database of Homelessness services – click here to find your local one - Homeless England | Homeless Link

Shelter offer one to one advice and support and personalised help with housing issues and homelessness. They find expert information about everything from reclaiming your deposit to applying as homeless, or you can speak to an adviser over webchat. Their free emergency helpline offers urgent advice if you are homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home. Their solicitors provide free legal advice and attend court to help people who’ve lost their homes or are facing eviction. You can contact Shelter on 0808 800 4444.