In-Patient Detox and Rehab

For people accessing our service to address their alcohol and/or drug use and achieve long term abstinence, one possible treatment option is for them to access residential treatment and complete an in-patient detox and/or rehabilitation. In Derbyshire, funding for adult in-patient detox and rehabilitation is only accessible via our service and is funded by Derbyshire County Council. 
In patient detox is a period in hospital or other residential setting where people take part in a medically managed programme enabling them to reduce off drugs and/or alcohol, typically lasting 1-2 weeks.
Residential rehabilitation often follows on from an in-patient detox programme, but can also be stand-alone, and involves a 3-6 month placement. 

For people accessing our rehab pathway, they will work intensively with our specialist rehab worker who will complete detailed and planned rehab preparation work in 1:1 and group sessions alongside aftercare and longer term recovery planning. This work involves 

What is Rehabilitation (Rehab)?
At Derbyshire Recovery Partnership we support lots of people every year to change their lives by going to rehab. 
You can access up to 6 months funding at a variety of different Rehabs working with DRP – We will help you choose the right Rehab to support your needs. 
The aim of rehab is to help people overcome the problems they are experiencing and to be free of the chaos and risks that substance misuse often brings. The way the rehab treatment works depends very much on the type of programme they offer - 12-Step, Eclectic or Therapeutic Community. Don’t worry; our specialist rehab worker will go through all this with you. 
People have different needs so we have different programme options to suit your needs. It’s important you understand the main treatment options so you can choosing the right rehab for you, this will help identify issues and explore your feelings by looking at behaviours and making positive change. These programs will involve a variety of activities, treatments & workshops.

For some people accessing support from our service to address their drug/alcohol use, completing a community-based detox may be an option. However, this is always discussed on a case by case basis where a number of factors relating to health and risk are considered by our team of specialist prescribers.