Specialist Recovery Connector Team

About our Recovery Connector team

Our specialist Recovery Connector team is made up of people with lived experience whose focus is supporting people in treatment to access community-based recovery support.

You can be at any stage of your recovery journey to access this team; the only criteria is for you to want to engage in structured recovery activities. Each Connector works in a designated area of Derbyshire so they can really know their local region and what support is available.

The Connectors will show visible recovery as they spend time getting to know you, exploring your existing skills, interests and hobbies, before linking you in with your local recovery support services, groups and activities.

Support will be available on a 1:1 and group work basis within community buildings, with opportunities for you to attend locally arranged activities. Frequency and level of contact will vary based on needs and can be a mixture of face to face, online and telephone.

The Recovery Connectors will work flexibly with you to signpost, refer and go with you to recovery projects, activities and mutual aid meetings within your local area. They will support you to reintegrate back into your local area, make new positive connections and build healthy recovery-based assets and foundations within your local community.

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Our core group work programme is a recovery-focused, 12-week course, aimed at exploring a number of topics, including:

  • What Recovery means to you; reflecting on yourself, past and present behaviours and where you want to be moving forward 
  • Thoughts, feelings, behaviours; unpicking personal triggers, cravings, stressors and risky situations 
  • Influences; building social support, healthy relationships and recovery networks 
  • Planning ahead; making positive changes and goal setting around healthy lifestyles, overcoming challenges and preventing relapse

You will learn new skills and gain essential tools to help you make and maintain positive changes to your drug/alcohol use and maintain recovery.

We also have a fantastic team of Recovery Volunteers who provide additional visible recovery and compliment the peer support available.

How to refer to a Recovery Connector

A. Are you already accessing treatment from the Derbyshire Recovery Partnership substance misuse service? If so, just ask your Key Worker to refer you to your local Recovery Connector.

B. Have you recently completed treatment with us and would like some additional support from a Recovery Connector? No problem, please contact us at our service's hub on 01246 206514 and we can refer you to your local Recovery Connector.

Where do our Recovery Connectors work?

Our four Recovery Connectors offer 1-2-1s and groups across Derbyshire, with one worker covering each area: 

* Chesterfield and North East Bolsover District

* High Peak and North Derbyshire Dales

* Amber Valley and South Derbyshire Dales

* Erewash and South Derbyshire


Lived Experience Workforce Development

Are you interested in gaining skills, qualifications and experience in the field of substance misuse?

Within our Recovery Connector team we also have a designated worker with lived experience who supports people to gain skills, qualifications and experience within the field of drugs and alcohol. This worker will explore with you what skills you posses now and what you’d like to achieve.

This can involve us supporting you to complete qualifications with the Derbyshire Adult Centre of Education Services (DACES) that range from a commitment of 16-64 study hours, in substance misuse, peer mentoring and a volunteer passport.

The only criteria for this is to live in Derbyshire, have lived experience and a keenness to develop professional skills.

Want to volunteer?

Great! We can support you to apply for a volunteering position of your choice from one of the many organisations and recovery projects we work alongside or you may choose to apply for volunteering opportunities within our Derbyshire Recovery Partnership substance misuse service.

Want to become a substance misuse practitioner?

Fantastic! We have a number of Trainee Drug and Alcohol Key Worker opportunities that you can apply for here: www.phoenixfutures.org.uk

What do we mean by Lived Experience?

Anyone with direct/indirect experience with drugs/alcohol

Derbyshire Recovery Partnership
We are here in a friendly and non- judgemental way to help you address your substance use and support you on your recovery journey. Our workers are trained to treat your primary
addiction whilst using a holistic approach to help you address other areas of your life that may also have a negative impact.

We will complete a comprehensive assessment of need and help you formulate a care plan that will assist you in taking control of your addiction and recovery. We have a range of activities available, including: 1-2-1s, Peer Support, Groups, Workshops, Recovery Through Nature and specialist teams.